Exercise for Couples

Relationships require work. They require patience, humility, sacrifice, empathy, and compromise. But here’s the thing…healthy relationships are only possible when we have a healthy relationship with ourselves.
Afterall, how can we expect to maintain healthy relationships with others if we don’t maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves?
So, before blaming the problems in our relationships on others, we need to stop and ask ourselves this question:
Do I genuinely love myself?
If not (or you aren’t sure) then you have some individual work to do.
Relationships are like tending to a garden. We have to make time for them, sacrifice for them, and nurture them if we want them to thrive. 
This exercise was designed to help couples connect with each other–to remind each other of the reasons they fell in love in the first place. But remember, it takes two to tango.
So, allow yourself to be vulnerable, to be open to suggestions, and to be an empathic listener. And remember, you can’t expect to cultivate a healthy relationship with someone else if your authentic, vulnerable self doesn’t show up to the table.
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