Which path would you choose?

Does this sound familiar?

Thoughts racing, heart pounding, and that feeling in my chest that something just isn’t right. The “what ifs,” the “should haves,” and the doubt that holds me hostage to a future I can’t control.

“Just be in the moment” is the advice I can’t hear because my mind is too busy ruminating on the past that I can’t change or the future that I can’t control.

Paralyzing. Stuck. Lost. That’s what being in this moment feels like for me. Running on a treadmill to nowhere, I wonder why fatigue is my everyday norm. And those short-lived moments of peace and joy scare me because I don’t want the fall to hurt even more.

“It will be okay” is a confidence I don’t trust.

“Just relax” confirms that no one understands me.

“You’re so strong” is a compliment I don’t believe because I am too stuck on “Am I good enough?” or “What if people find out who I really am?”

If this resonates with you then you aren’t alone.

So, when life gets tough–and it will get tough–you will have to choose which path you are going to take…

Which path are you going to choose?

Imagine life as a path through a very dense, mysterious, and frightening forest where the end of the path is the end of life. There are two paths you can take to reach the end.

The first path is a straight line to the end.

This path is safe, comfortable, and predictable. There is little to see on this path and there is little to experience. On the straight path, you can stay in your comfort zone, avoid rejection, run from your fears, and blame others for your problems.

On the straight path there are no hardships, no problems to solve, and no struggles to overcome. The highs are not very high, and the lows are not too low. You can hide behind social media, show your best “mask,” and censor your own voice lest you get criticized, rejected, or cancelled. Taking this path means hiding and protecting your authentic self. Or you can take a second path.

The second path is a winding maze. 

The second path is full of mountains, dirt roads, slippery mudslides, quicksand, waterfalls, and who knows what else. The second path is uncomfortable, frightening, and confusing at times. This path humbles you, brings you to your knees, and sometimes hurts–forcing you to build yourself up even stronger. This path leads you to beautiful sights, smells, and sounds. This path is full of meaning, purpose, and beauty–but only if you give yourself permission to stop and enjoy it along the way. 

Now, one version of you takes the first path (i.e., the straight path) and the other version takes the second path (i.e., the scary maze).

Can you imagine the conversation between the two versions of you at the end? Which version would tell the best stories, share the most wisdom, and feel the most fulfilled?

Just imagine how that conversation would go…

So, which path are YOU going to choose?

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